Saturday, April 28, 2018

Blog #8 2005 Chevrolet Monte Carlo LS

I am the proud owner of a 2005 Chevy Monte Carlo LS, its the red one at the very top. I recently got this vehicle around May of 2016. I came across an amazing deal where I was able to sell my vehicle at the time, a 1985 Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham 2-door coupe, and then buy my 2005 Chevrolet Monte Carlo. Its standard Engine size is 3.4-liter V-6 with a sequential multi-point fuel injection. 180-hp at 5,200 rpm's, with 205lbs.-ft tourque.

 It has a standard transmission 4-speed automatic w/over-drive, and a transmission lock-up torque converter. At the time I bought it; it only had 120,000 original miles and two previous owners. Usually with every vehicle I've had, I use it and put money into it to fix it up and resell it for more to then buy another vehicle and continue the process again. I am not going to do this with my Monte though, I will keep it and  hold on to it, use it,  put money into it, and fix it up like one of these show cars in these videos. Little by little I'll get it done. Since I bought my vehicle, I have done some maintenance, and upgrades for it, for example; replaced brand new are the radiator, alternator, dashboard, ac blower motor, ac system, brake system, struts, the control arms, motor mounts, rims, tires, spark plugs, filters, fuses......... I know there's more stuff I just can't think of it right now, but one thing I want to really do is fix up my Monte like these on the videos. You can call me cliche or a weirdo but I like this style, and look of vehicle. The big rims make it look like a Hot Wheels car, a big toy car in real life. For those of you who do not know what a Hot Wheels car is, click on this link
 I will do it from the ground up, whole new suspension system, struts, contol arms, brake system, rims and tires, a paint job, and for the interior to be fully re-done, with an engine overhaul souped up, and putting in a new Magna-Flow exhaust system to give it that extra power, and sound how it's supposed to be. It's all a matter of time though, my time is coming, bigger and better things await me and my 2005 Chevrolet Monte Carlo. 

Blog #7 #HashtagTendencies

Back around the end of 2014 I finally jumped on the bandwagon and made several different accounts across this smorgasbord of what is called social media. I have Instagram,  Facebook, Snapchat, Pandora, Shazam, Offer-up, Let-go, Google, Google+, YouTube, and Blogger accounts 
I can go on and list others, but I won't cause you get the idea. I use all these accounts daily, they are life hacks giving you the convenience to do the things you need and love to do in life. It's more convienant to DM, text, or use one of the many social media apps and their quick and easy to use messaging systems. Before 2014 I never had any account on any social media outlet; things and times change though. Early in the beginning of my social media use; I would see everyone and their momma's using the # symbol that would turn the words right after it into a searchable item of a story, article, video, picture, object. This #post is a connection source other users could join in on to add, and share things relating to the #post. The #post is then clicked on by other users that are continually checking in to see what's going on with the #post, and to add or share more to the #post. 
These randomly made up #posts, #topics, #scenarios, #ideas,  attract a lot of user attention that continually helps these masses interact, relate, communicate, on shared interests, love, stories about that topic post. Seeing all kinds of people inter-mingle in this way shows how our tendencies as humans with our most basic instinct, is wanting to interact mentally, emotionally with others. These interactions are our most basic instinct, having that on going interaction is what we all want, and exactly why #hashtags are so popular and widely used   
........people know this is a fast-sure way to find a lot of other people interested in the similar things they are. This is exactly why I love social media and the mechanics behind it, because it's a force that inspires, moves, motivates people towards the mainstream of interactions and relating stories. This is exactly why everybody and anyone on these social media platforms have #hashtag tendencies, Society truly does have #hashtag tendencies!

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Blog #6 The Great Outdoors

Google's definition of Outdoorsman is a person who spends a lot of time Outdoors or doing outdoor activities. That is exactly what I love to do when I have the time to do so.The outdoors, nature and it's beauty all around, has been a love and pastime of mine as far as I could remember ever since I was a little kid. But you know as well as me; as you grow up and take on responsibilities of Adult-hood, your time and the things you love and wish you were doing fade out and you spend less time doing them. It might not be so noticeable at first, but when you do see and realize it, there really is only two things for you to do about it.......... continue on with your boring life as it is by working and paying bills, keep going to school getting the education that's needed for a better job, being to tired to do anything because of this, and never go out............. or you make time no mater how tired or drained you feel, go out and have some fun!

That's exactly what I do, I have made it a point of priority to go camping once a year, on a little mimi vacation; it's a sort of tradition for me that goes back about 14 years now. I go to different campsites every time, because there are just too many beautiful areas here in Arizona to just keep going to the same spot. I like the areas up North in Sedona, Slide Rock State Park, Oak Creek Village, Oak Creek Canyon, Coconino National Forest, and Flagstaff the most though! These areas are Immaculately beautiful with a-lot of lush wooded areas, lakes, rivers, and streams to go fishing or swimming, and beautiful hiking trails all throughout. 

Going up North, from Sedona to Flagstaff, there are literally lined up and spaced out in a 15 to 20 mile route, a whole bunch of over night camping sites, and day-camp recreational sites(these day-camp rec.sites can only be used for the day). This 20 mile span of Earth starts off with Sedona, then more North from there is Oak Creek Village and Oak Creek Canyon, and more North from there is the Coconino National Forest, and more North from there is Flagstaff, that is littered with luscious wooded life, countless rivers, lakes, and streams, beautiful landscapes to go hiking, hunting, fishing, camping, canoeing, and swimming. There is Red Rock mountains everywhere the eye can see, everything up there is so beautiful, and the air up there is so fresh, crisp and clean. In the springtime the greenery of the lush pine trees, and wooded areas are dark green. It is a perfect get away spot, you couldn't ask for a better set up of nature and what it has to offer. Things can get hectic in life with all the responsibilities on your back, it can be so overwhelming and hard to handle at times, but no matter what you are going through; it is always important that you have an outlet to release all the stress and hardships from our day to day lives. Make it a point in your lives to get away, let go, and enjoy your "me" time, no matter what that may be.

Blog # 5 Arizona's Furtherance Plan

I've heard many plans, ideas, proposals, propositions, and suggestions from politicians here in Arizona regarding things that affect the local community. Every year in fact here locally in Arizona they do votes on SB (Senate Bill) and HB(House Bill) bills that can become law. A SB bill is a written proposed law that either originated or was modified in the United States Senate. A HB bill is a written proposed law that is brought to the House of Representatives instead of the Senate. A bill has to win the majority vote both in Senate and the House of Representatives to have a chance to become law.
The HB or SB bill then has to be approved by the president of the United States to become law. Many Arizona laws have passed that involved budget cuts across schools, Colleges, the Dept. Of Transportation, Public Safety, Social Security, and to the Department of Economic Security. Many minority families all across Arizona are low-income earning, middle class, or lower class citizens that know the importance of having the job training, the skill sets, and a higher quality education. Times always change, and just like anything else in life; its good to be in front of the change and adapt with it, instead of being left behind not knowing nothing of it. Many of these families depend on government programs or assistance to help them in their day to day with bills, food, car expenses, and anything else they need to live and survive. I know first-hand how these families feel, the struggling to make ends meet, living pay check to pay check, always worrying about your life and the well being of your family in the future and whether you'll be able to continue to provide for them. Achieve60AZ is an organization that has come up with an idea, along with Governor Doug Ducey, to help people by giving them the opportunity and the resources to go and get a higher Quality Education. The reason to do this, is because now a-days a lot of jobs in many field's require a number of years experience in that field of work, or an education with an associates, bachelors, or masters degree experience in that same field of work. By giving Arizonans these opportunities.............. I only see nothing but prospering with these ideas, goals, and plans that are being put into motion by Achieve60AZ. This will overall, in the future, help the economical structure of Arizona's economy prosper, and help lower, or middle class Arizonans have the opportunities to prosper as well, and also be able to compete in today's work force and get those high paying jobs with those degrees these jobs are requiring now-a-days. This would help a lot of people financially, to finally have some type of security and piece of mind and no longer stress or worry as much over their future............. Now I say no longer stress or worry;as much............. because I certainly don't mean they will never have stress or worry over money again.....................because life is life, and well..............we all will certainly have some type of problem in life. This for sure will give a lot of families a better opportunity for financial security.
 I watched my parents as i grew up, try to make a life for themselves, but never able to because of their education and lack of it. That was their dream; to have a better life and my brothers and sisters and me to be taken care of, you know, to live the American dream, and have that overall better life. For any person going thru financial burdens and always barely making ends meet, these feelings can be overwhelming and very worrisome.They do the best they can with the knowledge and skills they have with their jobs that pays enough to barely get by. This new proposed plan introduced by Achieve60AZ  and Governor Doug Ducey

 truly is very beneficial to further Arizona's economic structure by giving them opportunities they have never seen or had before. Everyone knows the importance of a quality Higher Learning, and how crucial it is to have one in these new times, and day and age we are in. Achieve60AZ knows that the minority is now the majority, and that the percentage of these not having any education background at all is high. With their incentives and programs; they will help these people get access to this Higher Learning Education, and close the achievement gap to get one.These ideas and plans can be a groundbreaking change for many Arizona families, not just for minority low-income families, but for middle and upper class families also! These goals and plans are truly for the betterment and furtherance of Arizonans!

Monday, April 9, 2018

Blog #4 "The Horror movie experience"

Horror movies are loved by millions of people all over the US. I am one of them. Nothing can compare to watching these movies on the big screen. Watching them in the dark adds to your feelings of uncertain worrisome, anticipation, knowing that something scary, bad, evil, or grotesque is about to happen.I have one rule mandatory for me when it comes to watching scary movies: #1.) I have to watch them in complete darkness, or at night, no exceptions! There are different aspects of horror movies that include: fantasy, Syfy, mystery, true story, crime, drama. I'm not the type of scary/horror movie lover that just watches one particular type of horror movie, but I think at the top of my list, the ones I like the most would be movies that are based on true stories. The aspect of it being true gives it a more erie, terrifying, hair-raising, spine and bone- chilling feeling the keeps me at the edge of my seat. These feelings are exactly what keeps me loving these types of movies. I remember when I was a little kid watching the Chucky movies mesmerised, and frightened by this little doll that was crazy, evil and killing people. Knowing it was a backdrop for a true story, gave it an edge and popularity making it loved by so many then; and still loved by so many today. Iconic classic horror movies like the Freddy, Jason, and Michael Myer movies are what shaped the horror movie industry and how they are today. This nostalgia of horror movies will always be forever popular and will never diminish in popularity. The excitement and feelings these type of movies give to people; makes it a true American Pastime and will always remain one in the future. So go out and enjoy a scary movie today or even better tonight!

Blog #3 Media bias, "Can it affect me"?

Pretty much everywhere you look nowadays when looking on a News source outlet, you will see coverage on some type of media bias. There are different types of media bias; bias by omission and bias by selection of sources are what media outlets use when they leave out one side or part of a story, or when they leave out a source that supports or disagrees on that topic. Insignificant reports or matters that are reported on, might not affect someone as much as when it comes to life changes and things that pertain with our government, state, or city. These one-sided, slanted, bias reports can influence somebody wrongly because they do not have the full information about that topic. For someone to really come to a full understanding of something; they would need to have opposing viewpoints like the pros and cons, the good and bad, the advantages and disadvantages of that topic. People may wonder and ask themselves, " Why does this matter to me? Well when it comes to big corporations, or government changes that affect people directly, or that can have an affect on the local community, these news sources need to give full information about the topics and not the one sided, slanted reports that wrongly influence people one way or another. These media outlets have too much power of influence that can be used for the advantages of good and bad; they have a moral and ethical obligation with that power, influence and information, to properly inform Society with that information. I think a standard needs to be looked at when these news outlets report on something, and up hold those standards or guidelines.

Bolg #11 Trust the process

 This fast-paced blog experience is coming to an end, but maybe not for good. Not knowing what to expect in this experience, I actually ha...