Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Blog #1 Is blogging the future?

Blogging, podcasts, and video blogs are all you hear about now-a-days. A kid doing a fake newscast on YouTube, to live make up tutorials all over Instagram, to podcasts ranging from kids books to people incarcerated, are being done by everyone and their grannie's making it popular all across the mainstream. So why should I be any different then the mainstream and not partake and check them out to see what the hype is all about............. that's what I did; and surprisingly I find them enjoyable and entertaining; I think I like blogs and the format that they adhere to, and the informativeness  that each one gives regarding the topic that it is based on.I can't say I'm a die-hard fan just yet, but I could see myself getting into it, and checking out the different varieties, and categories of blogs. Anywhere you have access to a search engine you can just search the key words "blogs for beginners" and "blogs for free" and a list will come up with 50,700,000 different results for you to select from. I clicked on this one blog that seemed interesting by the name alone, "How to prevent burnout and enjoy the journey of Entrepreneurship", because I am currently enrolled here at GCC trying to receive a business management degree, and when I seen this blog I automatically checked it out, and it's an informative and pretty straightforward blog giving people insights, and ways to become an entrepreneur and starting their own business while giving people insights and ways on how not to burn out in their endeavors while doing so. I'm learning so much in my business class, this would add real up-to-date information and aspects of the business world. Another blog link I clicked on was called "",  I also randomly scrolled and came up to this blog link that; at first sight looked interesting because the name had humor in it, so i clicked the link and it had a hundred plus humor blogs that you can choose from. I clicked on one called "sad and useless humor", As I read into it I realized that this would be something I can get into and follow.

this blog is so funny too, because of the memes they show; with little captions underneath. I'm just starting out and the list is endless. There are so many other blogs I still want to check out, but in the end I can say, "me blogging for this course and me reading blogs so far has been an interesting experience."                                                                                      

1 comment:

  1. I really like the layout of your blog. I like your use of both pictures and videos. From a business standpoint, you know how to keep people interested and click on your blog. Great job.


Bolg #11 Trust the process

 This fast-paced blog experience is coming to an end, but maybe not for good. Not knowing what to expect in this experience, I actually ha...